Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ink and Steel - Exhibition at Wolverhampton Central Library

My exhibition is finally up.

I put my work in the 2 display cases on the first floor of Wolverhampton Central library this morning, and it looks something like this..

The left hand case is my most current work (apart from the small drawing bottom left, which I had to put in here due to there not being enough space in case 2).

The pieces in the right hand case are older work (mainly - again I had to re-jig due to my having miscalculated how many pieces would fit into case 1!).

The very last piece - Frou Frou, is my newest. At this end of the case is also a small display about the Pen Room - the museum of the pen industry. Birmingham was once famous for producing the steel dip pen nibs that I use for my drawings.


Elizabeth Banfield said...

This looks beautiful Kay, congratulations!

Kay said...

Thank you Elizabeth. It took quite bit of courage to put together this exhibition, but I'm really glad I've done it.